Human-centred safety: shifting paradigms in the HSE space EPISODE 31 Podcast SAFETY HEROES
Health and well-being at work
Perrier Consulting integrates occupational health into its prevention systems and strategies. Our human-focused expertise has led us to redefine the meaning that we give to the expression “health and safety” by fully integrating psychological health.
Our actions aim to provide your entire organization with our expertise in order to preserve your personnel’s resources in the long term and guarantee efficiency and quality of life in the workplace.
Comprehensive prevention strategies and systems integrate psychological health
Scientific expertise
Customized approaches
Often, what you see is only the tip of the iceberg.
Perrier Consulting supports you in every step of your psychosocial risk prevention process. We favour an approach that aims to identify the origin of risk factors present in the organization. Our specialized consultants will develop a precise strategy in keeping with the realities of your corporate culture and organizational challenges.
We are committed to supporting you, while giving you the elements necessary to independently monitor and adjust the actions implemented, as needed.
It’s about taking the time to pause in order to come back stronger.
This is why a strategy is essential, but can also be accompanied by individual or collective coaching to help stakeholders get through a particularly challenging period and find new room for manoeuvre.
Our teams can:
• Support your leaders in developing their skills in order to prevent psychosocial risks
• Create return-to-work programs
• Support employees in periods of change, innovation and difficulty
To prevent psychological health concerns in the workplace, managers must have the necessary knowledge and be aware of the issues. Therefore, to support managers in their leadership roles, we have created training programs for them and for all employees. The prevention of psychosocial risks is carried out at all levels of the organization.
We can develop workshops tailored to your specific concerns.
And because occupational health is a crucial issue, we have also created training programs, master classes and workshops open to the public to raise awareness of the subject among all employees.