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Goodwill and understanding behaviours

The first time we worked on a construction site was during the construction of a new aluminum smelter. Faced with a major construction site and wanting to maintain the same standards of excellence as in their operations, our client sought our expertise to support them in achieving the desired level of standards.

Today we work with several large construction companies and consortia in Quebec. Our approach, which emphasizes goodwill and an understanding of both safe and at-risk behaviours, is very different from the traditional industry approach and represents an advantage these days. Working on leadership and culture in a context as special as a construction site is exciting for our team members.

The more short- and medium-term nature of the construction industry, as opposed to other sectors where initiatives can be implemented over a period of several years, requires specific actions, in terms of both systems and strategies. In recent years, we have strived to meet these challenges and today we are proud to see the construction sector’s willingness to influence human factors while continuing their efforts to establish prevention systems.




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